Ecobos is a Belgian pioneer in eco-friendly paper products, gifts and toys. All our products are made from recycled, natural or sustainable materials, m ade with respect for people and the environment. We have been selling sustainable items from the perspective of our beliefs in the benefits and passion since 1996.
Some examples: Pencils made with wood obtained from sustainably managed forests, pencils made from recycled material such as jeans fabric, banknotes (dollars), CD boxes, pencils that grow (with seeds). Clipboards made from recycled computer circuit boards. Staplers without staples. Compostable plastic pens. Natural rubber erasers. Fairtrade carrier bags made of organic cotton.
Ecobos simplifies the decision by companies and government authorities to switch to an ecological alternative for most everyday office and paper products. As a bonus, these are not only sustainable, they’re also attractive and original. This makes the products ideal for personalising with your own print or engraving. The words in our very first folder still hold true: "Every purchase decision involves a choice, and can make a difference."
Sectors Office Furnishings