
Circular Computing


Brief description of services

Our mission is simple: deliver premium, commercial products that don’t harm Earth. Sustainable IT!

Why is the product or service circular?

We buy 3 to 4-year-old laptops that have reached the end of the leasing period. After our 5-hour process of overhaul and renewal, these laptops are like new again. We replace the battery, upgrade the main parts, and give a 3-year exchange guarantee. In addition, we plant 5 trees per laptop sold.

Which circular strategies are applied?

  • Reduce total amount of materials: By reusing a laptop instead of making a new one, we save no less than 1,200 to 1,500 kg of waste and 190,000 litres of water.
  • Reduce amount of virgin inputs: The energy required to create a memory card is greater than the total energy consumption of a laptop over its expected 3-year lifespan. We save between 20 and 24 kg of fuel for every laptop we refurbish. Every kg of a new laptop requires 12 kg of fuel.
  • Extend the useful life: We extend the lifespan and useful life by 3 years, and then offer circular buyback. This process can be repeated up to 4 times, so the lifespan of a laptop can be extended by 12 years.
  • Maximise the reusability of a product or component: We reuse all the non-defective parts, and give the device a new appearance by cleaning it up, repainting it and polishing it, both on the inside and the outside.
  • Maximise the reusability or recyclability of materials: We reuse 99% of the materials when we remanufacture a laptop into a new one. We don't throw anything away, and have built up a collection of over 180,000 spare parts. 1% of our product goes to Sims Recycling, where it’s recycled. We make sure we don't leave an ecological footprint behind.

What are the benefits for purchasers?

  • Relief of all concerns: 3-year exchange warranty, new battery, and upgraded main parts
  • Lower TCO (costs less than half of the new price)
  • Guaranteed buyback after 3 years
  • Circular process, with no CO2 emissions since 5 trees are planted per laptop sold

Eurosys NV

Sectors ICT


A. Reduce total amount of materials
B. Reduce amount of virgin inputs
C. Extend the useful life
D. Maximise the reusable of a product or component
E. Maximise the reusability or recyclability of materials