Jules Clarysse

Postconsumer Towel

Brief description of services

Post-consumer Towel2 towels from bathroom and kitchen linen producer Clarysse contain almost 50% pre-used textiles. Result: less landfill, and a lot of ecological savings.

Why is the product or service circular?

More than 40% of the Towel2 is made from textiles that already had a first life in the retail, hotel or manufacturing sector, or at the end consumer. Jeans are ultimately turned into blue towels, while white towels are made from white second-hand textile.

Which circular strategies are applied?

  • Reduce amount of virgin inputs: The post-consumer towel is a new textile product made with old textile products. The Towel2 is contains more than 40% secondary textile.

What are the benefits for purchasers?

For every 1,000 Towel2 towels made by Clarysse, no less than 1.4 million litres of water and 410 kg of CO2 are saved. These are high-quality towels, which significantly reduce the ecological footprint.

Jules Clarysse NV

Sectors Textile and Workwear


B. Reduce amount of virgin inputs